Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Quickbooks Pro 2013 Terminal Server Errors after update


Intuit says they won't support quickbooks on a terminal server and you must buy an enterprise license. I think this means that to be in compliance and eligible to receive support you must fit their guidelines. Else you're up a creek without a paddle.


Quickbooks Pro 2013 had failed to update and was subsequently failing to open.

This was on a terminal server (2008 r2 x64) with about 30 users total.


Each terminal user login was starting approximately four quickbooks / intuit proceses - from "secure sync" to "update".

Quickbooks pro is designed for a single user workstation. 


1. Uninstalling quickbooks, I ran CCleaner registry cleaner
2. Rebooted, Ran CCLeaner again
3. Reinstalled Quickbooks, it wants to reboot, choose to reboot later
4. Open Autoruns provided by technet
4b. Have autoruns scan your user account
4c. Look through the list for quickbook entries, on each one
5. Right click and choose properties, then security and remove all permissions except for the user who will be using quickbooks.
-- That's right, just one user.. So in my case I had about 35 users, only one was a book keeper and needed access - so I had to remove all login accounts from that list - meaning all users and even the administrator - only the book keeper was allowed access to launch those files.
6. That's it!

In my instance, I only allowed their admin to make changes while I set the program up and ensured it launched. Once everything was in place, updated and opening their QBB files, I changed the settings again to remove access from the admin and give it soley to the book keeper.

Workaround #2:

If you're on a terminal server, you're coming from a workstation. In this businesses case they had actual thick clients which had been managed to log into their terminal server - if I really had to meet compliance to have Intuit troubleshoot, I would have just installed on this machine instead of buying their corporate license.

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